Valuable Online Resource

sharing is caring

Good Afternoon,

Today during my English studies, it was recommended to look at this website which was created by a teacher who has kindly shared resources which match the Australian Curriculum. I took a look and feel it is a valuable source of ideas for any pre-service or graduate teachers and wanted to share.

I love how people share their ideas around to help others.

Check it out here:

Kim xo

My first ever poem – The Aussie Seasons of the year, there is four of them

I am currently completing an English elective subject and as part of our assignment we have to write a poem. At first I found it hard to choose a topic and I found myself procrastinating to much. My husband gave me the idea to write about the seasons and what they mean to me…. and wolah….. before you know it, I have written my very first poem. I still needs some fine tuning, but not a bad start.

The Aussie Seasons of the year, there is four of them

Summer is warm, the days are long

Sun to our skin, like a singer to a song.

The beach comes alive with happiness and laughter

as families unite, BBQ first and a swim after.

In Autumn the leaves transform to a bright amber,

This marks the transition, as nights become longer

Trees start to shed, as the temperature settles,

wind verses leaf and their never ending battles.

Winter is cooler, as Earth moves from the sun

Later the sun rises, earlier the days are done.

Outdoors freeze up, hibernation sets in

Colds knock us down, longing for the summer is my skin.

Spring is sensational, the trees begin to bloom,

a bee hunts sweet nectar, while bathing in flowers perfume.

Rebirth of life, cant wait for what comes after,

not long until summer with its happiness and laughter.

Would love to hear your thoughts.

Kim  xo

Stratch – Car race


Today, I dove straight into my weeks learning activities and created a Stratch car race game. I must admit this creation did not come naturally. I had a few “walk away” moments! However, after completing my car race game, I found it to be a really cool concept which would work wonders with the technology strand of the curriculum. This program allows you to design and create a game or animation of your choose. The flexibility of this program is endless making it a viable source in many curricular areas.

Would love to hear your thoughts on Stratch, if you have had the opportunity to use it.



Playground Duty Hats

To all the pre-service teachers out there getting ready to go on placement soon, you may just need to read this blog on some guidance on the perfect playground duty hat.

Kim x


Ok ladies, let’s be honest. Is your playground duty hat well past its expiry date?

Has your hat lost its shape and the colour faded? Or are you a beginning teacher and uncertain about choosing a suitable playground duty hat?

If you answered yes, then this post is for you (me too, I have had the same hat for four years).

When choosing a playground duty hat, the most important things are comfort and sun safety.

Your hat must be comfortable, as you could be wearing it for up to 30 mins while on duty, or longer if you are attending a sports day. Before going on duty, I always put on some sunscreen and take my sunglasses. You can head to the Queensland Government’s Project SPF for some great tips on staying pretty forever.

I have chosen my top 10 hats for duty this year and all of them can be purchased from Westfield Chermside.


View original post 95 more words

Positive Outlook on Semester 1 2015


Today marks day two to the start of yet another uni semester. This one is a little more exciting as this will be my last semester 1 study period. I am scheduled to complete my studies at the end of this year and to be honest, I CAN’T WAIT!

This will be my 5th year of study and this is the first time I will be studying with no little tikes by my side. I am sad as the chapter of my life of having kidlets at home has now closed. In saying that, I am TOTALLY excited to be fully dedicated to my studies during school hours before becoming the fun mum when the little ones return home. Juggling study and motherhood is challenging however I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Anyways, enough ramble – Thank you for following my blog and experiencing my learning journey. I will be sharing with you some resources I believe will help educators along with my personal vent.

Please comment below if you have a blog you would like me to follow.

K xo

Semester 2 – 2014

It is 9:00pm, every one in my house is fast asleep and I am here getting grumpy at my laptop.

I have a big challenge this semester and have attempted 4 subjects – that’s full time study -eeekkksss!! I have managed ok so far, but as the semester closes in, I am finding myself quite frazzled.

I have just completed a spreadsheet and am up to the process of adding a scatterplot graph to my spreadsheet to display my information visually, although it isn’t going to plan. I thought if I highlighted the correct cells, then whola a graph would arise – apparently not!

Well, I best be off and get back to this graph. I do plan on writing on here again soon.

K xx

I finally hit the submit button!


This was the last of my many assignment and I am happy to announce I have finally hit the submit button for the last time this semester. My goodness it feels good, actually it feels wonderful, no wait – it feels AMAZING!!

When seeing other students posting and blogging about finally completing this last assignment, I felt jealous – I wanted to be that person! Well, now I can say that I am that person and anyone who is still slogging away I am sorry about blogging about it, but my goodness it feels good. Let me just say – keep going, you are almost there and you too will feel amazing once you have hit that submit button.

Thank you for all the support throughout this course and I look forward to working with some of you in the future.

I am now off to enjoy a nice dinner and wine with my family in celebration 🙂

Reflective writing

I haven’t quite grasped the knack of writing reflectively yet. To date, I haven’t really produced an assignment task with so much reflective writing. I know what I want to say, but making it sound academic is a tricky thing. Oh well, I have given Assignment 3 my best shot and we will have to see how well I went upon feedback.

I also wanted to mentioned a few fellow students blogs I found interesting when I was responding to the assessment task. Check them out here and here. I loved reading about others experience and how some of us experienced the same scenarios or how some others got delivered a totally different experience.


I can see light!


I can see the light starting to shine through now as the semester closes in. Yesterday I had 3 assignment left to finish, all before next Monday. However after a full day in front of the computer today I only have 1 left standing. It feels amazing to have knocked two down and it has given me motivation to get stuck into this last one so I can get my house back in order after a huge semester and 3 weeks of placement. My plan is to have this ICT assignment finished by 3pm Friday afternoon and I really hope it will happen. To help me achieve this plan, I will stay off Facebook, Emails and Online shopping accounts until I am done. Maybe as a treat I can have a little online shopping time once I am done 🙂

I hope everyone else is knocking off their last few assignments 🙂